Spanish, Sephardic, Hebrew, Yiddish and Polish songs
BETWEEN WORLDS… is an extraordinary musical journey guided by a charismatic singer and instrumentalist Anna Riveiro. She is accompanied by an outstanding instrumentalist and guitar virtuoso Michał Pindakiewicz.

The program of the concert includes ancient and folk Polish songs, old Spanish songs as well as Sephardic, Hebrew and Yiddish songs. Texts, melodies, scales and rhythms bring together motifs from different countries, cultures and periods. In Polish songs we can hear “oriental notes” which combine with the melodies of other cultures.

It is a fascinating musical journey which is a result of Anna Riveiro’s long term creative work and her idea of “building bridges” through singing and music. The story connects ancient and modern world, sacrum and profanum, Poland with Old Spain and Orient…

Anna Riveiro: vocal, classical guitar, electro-classical guitar, hurdy-gurdy, choice of musical pieces, translations and concert scenario
Michał Pindakiewicz: classical guitar, electric guitar, udu, arrangement of pieces