AHAVAT OLAM – Eternal love
The most beautiful Hebrew prayers of High Holidays and Shabbat
Riveiro Music 2018
Anna Riveiro: vocal, concert scenario
Anna Hajduk: piano, arrangements of pieces
Audio CD - 14 EUR, MP3 Album - 8 EUR

Album AHAVAT OLAM is the result of my artistic work with the outstanding pianist Anna Hajduk.
We recorded this CD to share beautiful Jewish musical tradition and protect it from oblivion.
At the same time it is a unique recording in contemporary Poland - the only CD album with such a repertoire sang by a woman-cantor (the first woman-cantor in Poland).
All musical arrangements of pieces have been made by Anna Hajduk.
While recording these songs during the concert we wished to share the atmosphere of prayer, emotion and personal meeting… Anna Riveiro
„An outstanding concert of Anna Riveiro and Anna Hajduk performing Hebrew festive songs.
An explosion of emotions, devotion, engagement, but also joy, collective joy and synergy...
Anna Riveiro sings Sephardic, Hebrew and Yiddish songs.
As an interpreter of Jewish songs Anna is on an absolute top of the world!" Maciej Lewenstein
„I had a great privilege of conducting High Holiday prayers (2012, 2013, 2014) together with Cantor Anna Riveiro in Warsaw, Poland.
Anna has a beautiful voice, since her voice comes out mainly from her heart and soul.
She identifies with two thousand years of Jewish liturgists and worshippers who felt closer to the Almighty at this time of year: Rosh HaShanah & Yom Kippur.” Rabbi Dr. Gil Nativ
Many thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this CD and especially:
Agnieszka Kostera-Kosterzewska, Dorota Wasilewska, Magda Sara Szwabowicz, Julia Fiedorczuk, Justyna Bacz, Marta Rybicka, Radosław Rosiński, Rabbi Gil Nativ, Jacek Maryan, Gerardo Beltran, Jeremiasz Hendzel and Dariusz Schwerin.
Special thanks to our relatives, friends and our wonderfull listeners... Anna Riveiro
Recorded live at Quality Studio in Warsaw, Poland, May 2018
Recording and mixing: Jeremiasz Hendzel, Quality Studio
Mastering: Dariusz Schwerin
English translation: Agnieszka Kostera-Kosterzewska
Cover design: Radosław Rosiński
Photos: Marta Rybicka
Media patronage: Midrasz
Producer: Anna Riveiro, C+P RIVEIRO Music 2018