The program of the concert includes Polish pre-war tangos created by outstanding composers, mainly of Jewish origin, such as Jerzy Petersburski, Artur Gold and Henryk Wars. We are going to listen to famous songs, like „To ostatnia niedziela” (The Last Sunday), „Już nigdy” (Never again) and „Nie wierzę ci” (I Don’t Believe You).
During the concert we’ll also enjoy passionate tangos and milogas from Latin America in original languages, for example songs of a great Argentinian singer Carlos Gardel. The program is completed by Sephardic songs (in which Anna Riveiro specializes) arranged in the rhythm of tango.
The concert glitters with colours, while a sensual voice of the singer and an expressive playing of the musicians involve the listeners in an emotional dialogue. Vocal artistry of Anna Riveiro and a virtuosity of the instrumentalists guarantee a truly extraordinary musical show.
Anna Riveiro: vocal and concert scenario
Wojciech Gumiński: double bass
Piotr Kopietz: bandoneon
Michal Pindakiewicz: guitar, arrangements