LUNAS OLVIDADAS - Forgotten moons - Sephardic songs
The songs included in the programme LUNAS OLVIDADAS – FORGETTEN MOONS sung in the original language ladino, refer to the tradition of Medieval Spain as well as to the way of performing Sephardic music in the Arabic part of the Mediterranean Sea Basin. The instruments and arrangements of the musical pieces emphasize oriental influences in Sephardic music.
In 2009 the CD: LUNAS OLVIDADAS was issued by the publishing company RIVEIRO Music.
In 2011 the program was presented during the opening ceremony of the only Sephardic synagogue in Poland restored in Zamość as well as on X INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF SEPHARDIC MUSIC in Cordoba (Spain), and in 2012 on the Jazz Jamboree Festival in Warsaw.
Anna Riveiro ensemble:
Anna Riveiro: vocal, guitar, artistic direction.
Marta Maślanka: santur, darabuka, riqq; Wojciech Lubertowicz: darabuka, daff.
Anna Riveiro: vocal, guitar, artistic direction.
Marta Maślanka: santur, darabuka, riqq; Wojciech Lubertowicz: darabuka, daff.
Wojciech Lubertowicz: darabuka, udu, daff.
Michał Pindakiewicz: guitar.
Mohammad Rasouli: ney flutes, tar, daff